L3 Programs

Annual Leadership Conference
A 3 day, 2 night Conference staying on a University campus held in May with sessions on college and career prep, STEM, financial literacy, disability awareness, leadership, life skills, etc.

Career Mentoring Program
Female leaders in the community are paired with young ladies to expose their work environment and lifestyle of success.
Career Mentoring Program Curriculum
Curriculum and program instruction guide on how to manage the Career Mentoring Program for outside organizations.
Financial Wellness Workshop
Training from local banks on managing checking and savings accounts, budgeting, and credit/debit card use.
STEM Leadership Program
Training in coding for website design using Raspberi Pi. A partner program with the Jane and John Marks Foundation. Provides professional development skills, and STEM field awareness. Field trips to local Universities, and guest speakers.

L3 Community Leadership Forum
Select young ladies serve as the community experts during panel sessions throughout the State. Girls share their voices, knowledge, and opinions on what's important to girls, and how adults can better serve them.

Book Scholarship Awards
Select young ladies will be awarded based on their involvement in the community, activities, and academic achievement. Scholarships between $300-$500 are awarded for graduating seniors to cover book costs.